Gbb has been inspired by children for over 60 years. Adapting to little feet, respecting their comfort, imagining new stories... They think of everything by relying on their know-how and their techniques.
Creativity is brought by a team of independent stylists, coming from different universes, under the responsibility of a technician, guarantor of the good footwear.
Gbb helps parents to make choices based on the child's well-being, at each stage of his or her growth. The child can explore the world in complete safety.
The program is colorful, fashionable, fresh, playful... and the leather shoes are soft and durable as always.
These little Gbb shoes are perfect to protect their feet and allow you to concoct little looks for them !
Seduced by this creativity ? Maniet shoes ! Luxus offers you a splendid selection of models for girls and boys.